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For collaborative and confidential coaching hire a coachsmith

noun: [kohch-smith]

someone who specializes in coaching




"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."- CS Lewis                                   


Most of us are looking for a life that fills us up. We want to be better for ourselves, our families, our friends, and colleagues, and we want to do it while maintaining joy, and success. Working with a coachsmith can help you reach your full potential.



Shawn T.

I wasn't sure what to expect from a coaching session but working with Deirdra has been great. She asks good questions that get me to reflect on what we're talking about and she also keeps me on topic/point since I like to stray at times.

Jo L.

Deirdra is a thoughtful, grounded, and brilliant coach who listens with her whole body and spirit and will be with you through struggle and celebration.

Kim R. 

I feel like our sessions are a safe space and never feel judged by Deirdra. It is easy to open up and be honest. She is caring, positive and asks thoughtful and thought provoking questions. She figured out what makes me tick in a short time. I believe this is because she knows the right questions to ask and carefully listens. She is intuitive and probes in a way that never feels invasive. Best of all, she lets me do most of the talking.



Personal Development 




Uncover a life that fills you  up


 Inclusive Leadership Coaching


Leadership development coaching




Worshop design and facilitation based on your organization's needs

coachsmith, LLC 2020


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